This replica Kanan lightsaber is the perfect addition to any fan's collection. Featuring an iconic forest green and silver design, this lightsaber is designed to look just like the one Kanan Jarrus used in Star Wars Rebels. Not only is it a stunning piece to show off, but it is also a great way to practice your lightsaber skills! This lightsaber is sure to be a conversation starter for any fan.
What's in the box?
Material: Aluminium alloy&Polycarbonate
Brand: TXQsaber
Model Number: Kanan
Size of Hilt: 32cm
Size of blade: 82cm
Blade diameter: 1 inch
Hilt Weight: 560g
A hefty saber by weight, but one that feels entirely comfortable; not unwieldly at all. AWESOME sound... probably the best or near best I've heard out of a hilt. Great service and information from Trav. Fast shipping time with tracking. 100% recommend. Thanks!